Friday, December 26, 2014

Homet Christmas Morning Quiche Recipe

One of my all time favorite foods is Quiche Lorraine. Egg, bacon, onion, cheese, pie crust...what's not to love? Growing up, it was our Christmas morning breakfast every year. Once a year is not nearly enough, however. Since I got married and started my own family, we've had quiche quite a few times. I even started making my own crusts, and I've gotta say, they're pretty delicious. 

I won't lie and say this is easy or quick to make. The steps are simple, but there are a lot of them and it takes a while to make a quiche. It is SO worth it, though. My tip would be to make 2 or 3 quiches at once because they heat up so well and one just isn't enough! (I mean, look at that. Just look at it.) I am listing the measurements for one quiche, so you'll have to do your own multiplying. 

I'm going to start with the instructions for the crust, which I also listed in a blog post on pie making

Start with 3 cups All Purpose Flour. 

Use a pastry cutter to combine flour with 1 1/2 cups of Crisco Vegetable Shortening. This will take a few minutes, and continue to cut it together until there are pea-sized pieces of dough. 

I didn't photograph this part, but add 1 egg, 5 tbsp cold water, 1 tbsp white vinegar and 1 tsp salt. Mix together. Split dough into two balls and place in separate plastic bags. Pat them down so they're disc shaped. Put them in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes before rolling out. You can even make some of these ahead of time and leave them in the freezer!

Roll out the dough so that it is about 2 inches bigger than the pie dish on each side (for a 9-inch pan, roll dough in a circle with a diameter of around 13 inches.) I roll my dough out on cereal bags that have been opened and flattened. I simply put the dough between the two sheets of plastic and gently peel it off. This allows me to avoid adding any more flour to my surface, which can make a pie crust tough. These crusts turn out SO flaky it makes me want to make a joke about Head and Shoulders, but then I realized that's gross and this is food we're talking about! 

Place the dough in the dish and pinch the edges at the top to make a cute design. 

Bake dough at 425 degrees for 5 minutes with foil lining the shell. After 5 minutes, take the foil off and continue baking for 5 more minutes (10 total). Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees. 

Once your crust is made, begin assembling the inside of the quiche. This recipe is for a pretty deep dish, if you have a shallow dish, cut this in half, or use this recipe for 2 shallow pies. You will need 1 cup of shredded swiss cheese and 1/2 cup of gruyere. (You can, alternatively, just use 1 1/2 cups of swiss cheese and omit gruyere, because it is a more expensive cheese, but if you can afford it, use it! It's delicious.)

Chop a medium onion. I had an assistant for this step, thank goodness. She's looking so cool chopping those onions! 

Cook the onions on a pan until they're translucent. 

Cook up some bacon (10 thin slices or 5 of the super thick cut, like we used) and crumble into small pieces (but not as small as crumbs).

Mix 4 eggs, 3/4 cup half and half, 3/4 cup milk, 1 tbsp flour, dash of ground nutmeg and pepper to taste.

Mix in the bacon, onion and cheese to your egg mixture and pour into the pie crust. Cover the outside of the crust with foil so that it doesn't get too browned or burned. Bake at 325 degrees for 45-50 minutes. 

Have a cup of orange juice or a latte while you enjoy this delicious eggy breakfast pie!!

|| Posted by Kate ||

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