Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Five Months, Baby Boy.

Dear Emmett,

You are five months old today. You weigh more than double your birth weight. You have grown so big, so fast! I look at you now and forget what it was like to have a new born. Your old clothes seem comically small, like they are for a doll. I can't believe that some of the outfits you wear are size 6-9 months! (It's because you're so tall, of course). You can do so much these days! You laugh and smile almost on demand, you recognize your name, you know your Mommy and Daddy. You are so smart already!

You also went through a really rough period. You had a 4 month sleep regression that you never quite got over, though you have improved in the last couple weeks. For a couple months now you've woken up every 2 hours. Every night. You're starting to give me 3 hour stretches again, which makes you an angel, but I definitely can now relate better to sleep deprived moms. Since I am one of them. I am chief among them. I am so tired. But you're worth it, darling! It's amazing how much energy I have from mommy hormones, coffee, getting out of the house, and plain old necessity. I think the biggest change we've gone through together since 3 months has been your (lack of) sleep.

(Don't let these pictures fool you...)

You've had so many other changes too! You've started teething, chewing and sucking on EVERYTHING you can get your hands on. You pull things to your mouth, you slobber everywhere, you love your rubber duck chew toy that squeaks (and is suspiciously like a dog dog toy and baby toy manufacturers share products and just package them differently? I would not be surprised.) You have gotten better at sucking on a pacifier, but you still prefer pinkies. You are almost sitting up unassisted, but your favorite thing is pretend-walking. When Daddy helps you walk to me, your face is so bright and happy! You do your open mouth smile, which is my absolute favorite face. You smile as big as your face will let you. You lost ALL your hair a month ago or so, and since then, you've been growing short, thick, BLONDE hair. You are a little toe-head, my dear.

Daddy has had classes down the hill this quarter at school, which means you and I are by ourselves for part of the week. We have had so much bonding time, gone on so many walks, watched more TV than we should have (heck, we got through all of Veep and Call the Midwife!), and made lots of new friends. We miss Daddy, but we have fun together. (Though I think we both are so excited for this quarter to be over and for him to be with us all the time!!) When he's up in Big Bear with us, we go to the church a lot and play in his office, we have fun at Youth Group and in the Nursery. Everyone loves to see you, you bring so much joy everywhere you are.

We've gotten to see Mae May and Papa Oso a lot in the past few months! Though I'm sure they would say "not nearly enough!" They come visit you up at our house, and Mae May even made you the cutest curtains for your nursery! (Pics coming soon!) You don't sleep in there yet, but I have a feeling you will very soon. (Waaaaahhhh.) You love your grandparents, but you started entering a Mommy only phase pretty recently. You either want me, or you want Daddy to wear you in his Ergo carrier. Those are your favorite places to be comforted, and sometimes, nothing else will do the trick.

I am in a weird (and normal) place of wanting time to slow down, and for you to stop growing, and also being so excited to see these (and more) changes in you. I love watching you learn and grow and it is going to be so amazing to start seeing you crawl and stand and walk and talk in the next 7 months or so. You are the biggest, best, most life changing thing that has happened to your Daddy and me and we love you more than you could ever know!

Thank you for coming into our family, sweetheart. You are our everything.


|| Posted by Kate ||

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