Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Future American Church - or How to Stop Sending and Start Receiving

There are two things I desperately want to write about, and they may not seem to be connected but they really are - promise.

First, Christian Sci-Fi isn’t much of “a thing”.

Christian culture seems to shy away from forecasting future events, unless that forecast ultimately consists of Christ returning and everything else being pointless. The church seems far more concerned with eschatology, and far less concerned with futurology. But the generation coming up in the Western World seems to have rejected the fairy-tales of the Left Behind era, in favor of dreams of self-driving cars, an internet of things, and the implications of 3D printing (or at least I have). For years now this has been perceived as a departure away from Christianity and toward the secular, but I would disagree.

To those Christians who still drive cars with faded NOTW stickers, I share this with you: